Friday, January 16, 2009

Vladmodels Legal In Canada

spottone of Pelù

One of the fundamental rules of a blogger is to write a post "against" creating review and / or control information. In fact, I could not resist when I read an article about the tenth anniversary of the death of Fabrizio De André , celebrated on Rai Tre a "Che tempo che fa". The piece you read it here: Pelù and the fisherman De André (

she wrote an article ... the interpretation of the ballad rocker Florentine Genoese singer-songwriter was one of the most convincing. And exciting ". " Not that the others that have succeeded on the big stage Fazio have been outdone, but Pelù singing The fisherman seemed so strange but pleasant. "

Everyone knows the flop of the last record but good and magnetic Pelù. "Phenomena" is one of the disks ugliest of 2008. The article becomes a spottone Pelù to revive the general public: "on YouTube on Monday morning, had already been posted three videos of The fisherman De André Pelù sung by that evening had already a few thousand contacts. A new love blossomed destined to leave a mark on the rocker ".

Why, videos of other performances have not had the same contacts? contrary ... the video Vinicio Capossela , artist of" The City old "had the highest number of contacts: 20348 against 13284 of Pelù overtaken by Jovanotti with 14252 contacts.

Confirmation of web journalism spot comes at the end of ' Article: "I'm planning to include it in my concerts," - says Pelù. "Now I'm finishing tests for the new show that combines music to the theater: it's called "Phenomena Theatre Tour 2009" . He works with me, signing the director, Sergio Bini Bustric in art. depart Feb. 26 from Novara and then around throughout Italy. At the end of the show, including a, The fisherman there will be safe. " and will do so as if it were a cover of Bill Haley, Rock Around The Clock (the founder of the rock song).

Farsi advertising, taking advantage of the showcase on television, does not pay. Finding the inspiration and artistic talent to produce the best album, worthy of the first Litfiba . This can and should the Pelù do so.

With the estimate due to a large Italian rocker.

Paname - Litfiba

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Have Headache Top Of Head Feels Bruised

The blog quoted on the website of

On the official website of Negrita is given the news of the Grammy awarded virtual blog in the song "The book in one hand, the bomb in the other "band of Tuscany.

the Negro: "Thanks!"

my favorite Negrita - "We never look back"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Honda Ridgeline Tongue

Negrita Live Radio January 14, 2009

Convergences between modern music and spirituality. On air - just for today - the RLB on Wednesday at 10.30 am, with Formosa and father Massimo Antonello Granieri. Hear streaming

> Bob Marley "Satisfy My Soul" and the religion of Rastafarianism
> Cesare Cremonini , "The 6 and 26" and the similarities with "Old Town" of From André Fabrizio
> Brett Anderson, "One Lazy Morning"
> The Christian Music of POD

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wording And Invitation And Meal Not Paid For

Martin Sheen tells Paul of the Cross Divine

Some friends met on the internet, ask about my family's religion, the Congregation of the Passionist , founder of St. Paul of the Cross . Segnalatomi post a video of the Passionist brothers Chicago (States) - within the group of Paul of the Cross created on Facebook. The commentator is the Hollywood actor Martin Sheen . In the video appear father Robert Joerger and father Aidan Troy, known in Rome during the period of my theological training, with whom I shared moments of serene joy in community. Enjoy!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sample Of A Church Programe


I am part of. Click here: The

The video is dedicated to brothers and sisters with whom I started sharing the passion for Christ and music.

Friday, January 9, 2009

White And Gray Wrestling Shoes

Running ... Visit the Santa lie. A few minutes to share with readers of the blog a little joy, but for me big as a house. I got to know In recent days, special people and not for the fame (not miss) but for the friendship , hospitality and warmth who have shown towards me, sharing faith in Christ and a common interest, music . I was invited to write music on the site BombaCarta . Like when a player of a team-low average rank (a minor league) arrives unexpectedly in convening the National Assembly.

not explain what it means, you will understand yourself, by clicking here: Cat Power, spiritual lyrics .

THANKS TO THOSE WHO WISHED WERE SO ': father Anthony and Andrea.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pinacle Tvcenter Pro 64 Bits

"Religion & Music: Live radio on January 7, '09

Convergences between modern music and spirituality. On air - just for today - RLB on Wednesday at 9.00 am, with Formosa and father Massimo Antonello Granieri. Hear streaming

In the episode of Wednesday, January 7 '09:
> MONODOSAGGIO : the trilogy of Christian Bob Dylan [last part].
> The disk Francesco De Gregori "For brevity called artist" and the songs "The Angel of Lyon", "Every day that God sends rain on earth", "Infinity".
> The Christmas Greg Lake 'I Believe In Father Christmas "and Killers, Elton John & Neil Tennant in" Joseph, Better You Than Me. "
> interview on the Christian roots of Dylan Andrea Monda, writer and journalist.
> The Newsboys of Christian Pop.

NOTICE users and listeners:
From 20 January, the transmission will regain its place "natural" on Tuesday, at 10.30 am

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sample Of Letter Of Good Standing For Dentist

Lord, Help the Poor & Needy

The album "Jukebox" of American singer-songwriter Cat Power (real name Charlyn "Chan" Marshall) listening to a track called "Lord, Help the Poor & Needy" , translated: "Lord, help the poor and needy" . Cat Power is of Jewish descent. One element that brings it closer to the literature of the Old Testament, where poverty and misery of a people are reported in various holy books: "I have seen the affliction of my people in Egypt and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters ; I know their sufferings. I went down to rescue them from the hands of the Egyptians and to bring them out of that land into a good and broad land ... " (Exodus 3.7 to 8).

The Power, in the lyrics refers to various categories of poor, those most vulnerable, vulnerable. How does the prophet Jeremiah when it receives from God the task of bringing the king of Judah and his officials this message: "Practice right and justice, free the oppressed from the hands of the oppressor, and do not do violence not oppress the stranger, the orphan and the widow ... " (Jer 22:3).

The call to solidarity with the weakest, is a biblical foundation in Isaiah : "He will judge the poor with justice and decide according to law for the poor of the country" (Isaiah 11: 4). This is to Cat Power to call upon the Lord and restore - already on the ground - that right social establishes the proper relationship between God and men . All condensed into just over two minutes of song. Enjoy!

Lord, Help the Poor & Needy (translated text)
"Oh Lord, help
sinful man in this life.

We are all mortal and we face the rising sun.
Oh my Lord,
helps the poor and needy.

Oh Lord,
sustain the human race because we are all mortal

and we face the morning sun.

Oh Lord,
helps orphans of mother now, because we

all mortal and we face the rising sun. "

Lord, Help the Poor & Needy - Cat Power