The Group did not confine itself exclusively Archaeological investigations in the old town of Montelupo, but also extended to research and protection of all archaeological sites and monuments on the territory , not just the municipal participation in the excavations conducted by the Archaeological Museum of Montelupo and by ' University of Siena and the' organization of the periodic surface searches. This constant commitment allowed to recognize a human presence that starting from the Lower Paleolithic comes up to 'modern seamlessly. Some examples:
- Prehistory: Station Turbone ( Aurignacian), station Scopeti ( Mousterian), Montalbano Floors ( Epigavettiano ), Poggio alla Malva ( Upper Paleolithic )
- proto: Ambrogiana ( Eneolithic ) Bibby ( Village Bronze )
- Etruscans: Etruscan city of Montereggi
- Romans Change House (Villa del Virginio), oratory, the little church of Santa Lucia (Archaeological Museum)
- High Medieval: little church of Saint Lucia, the Etruscan town of Montereggi, Sant'Ippolito
- Middle Ages: settlement of San Vito, Montelupo Ceramics