Robert Johnson. I got the blues. Dave Matthews
"Other than deal with the devil. The soul of Robert Johnson , one of the greatest bluesman the history of music stars and stripes, symbol of the vitality of the genre - Was so troubled, but not at all for sale. " Luca Miele wrote about the future of daily of the Italian Episcopal Conference. Luke is keen an observer, the American music his bread (see Springsteen and Johnny Cash) , friend known for an interview on radio, on 11 November. In the following link, the article by Luke about a book written by Robert Johnson Luigi Monge (Robert Johnson. I got the blues . annotated text, Arcana) . An opportunity to dispel stereotypes and to meet a true legend of the blues.
Link here :
"How many lies on the" pact "by Robert Johnson, Luca Miele
For the writings of Luke Honey, here:
1. "The Crossing - Myths and Visions of America in the songs of Bruce Springsteen" [the book]
2. "God and his boss" [Jesus]
3. "The answer is blowing ..." [L'Osservatore Romano, BombaCarta]
"Cross Road Blues - Robert Johnson
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