Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mimes Dancing Outfits

Margaret broods The House speaker continues to confide in his dear friend Andrea

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The Varese does nothing but think of the direct last night and his clash with Nando. She asks Andrea if in his opinion would have eliminated the GF, if she pulled a slap to pometino. The boy pulls up: "A Fistful yes, maybe not a slap but you did well not to do so. You behaved with dignity. You have given further evidence of strength and dignity. Your will be proud of you . You have demonstrated strong, and this is a fact. "

Margaret feels "cracked", as if giving a second chance at Nando was the biggest mistake of his life: "I was more than two months waiting for someone so disgusting that you will not dare to approach me when I get out because there will be no cameras and will be the good time that I get my hands on him: It should not even try to give me an explanation." The two confirm their love, are one of the other's shoulder!


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