Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bottle Cap Belt Bb Simon

SIGNORINI VS NANDO "FAMOUS without deserving"

Reclining in Lingerie
Nando Colelli (Visto)
ROME - "Here you Nando: the flag of all those who, with neither art nor part, are suddenly famous," Alfonso Signorini has already made it clear what he thought of the story Colelli in last night's episode of Gf, where he used the 'incident as "warning" to the boys still imprisoned. Signorini, however, sank the shot in the newspaper he runs, "TV smiles and songs" and, as stated on the website gossipblog says its on pometino in a space dedicated to readers: "What will become of him in a few years? Not affect to anyone. It will hurt? It will break your bones? The only problem is his: in the meantime will be trimmed in other Nando fill the mouth. "
that sparked the now famous throughout the service of "Reservoir Dogs", which revealed a very different Nando: "In that interview, for another very well made, there was everything I never wanted to hear. Starting right Nando from what he says of his love affair blossomed in the house. "
The words of the boy homosexuals are "pearls of wisdom" and even worse, what has been said about Alex: "Just enough time to recover and get another pearl. This time about Alessandra, she has always said he never touched even with a finger, once out of the House


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