Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Make A Fan Serviette Fold

Gulf of Poets to Verdi's land

Gulf of Poets Society tells us the organization of the trip LA14 ° for Marathon of Verdi's land:
Marathon sauce Busseto 42 km and 195 meters
Salso-Fidenza of 10 km
1 / 2 Marathon Fontanellato with arrival at the Castle of San Vitale 21 km 30 km 97 meters
Green Bicester Village, Bicester Village in Busseto
The cost of travel by bus is 15 €.
We offer the opportunity for all participants to sign up with a share facilitated.
Carers and athletes, once the race, will spend the day at Bicester Village. "

The flyer of the event at
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