Saturday, January 15, 2011

Point And Shoot, Fastest Fps

Stretching global decompensation

(from the site
"The exercises should not be mechanical but are aimed at fixing the cortical
correct attitudes, internalized through attention to reduce or eliminate the fees that the body puts in place, at work, to escape the discomfort of traction. "Stretching the limits
analytical Stretching
analytical plywood acts on single muscle without taking into account the whole system of chains, allowing the body to make compensations. If one link in the chain stretches the rest of it gets shorter. When you have finished drawing, the ' full system restores the old information and diagrams. If you create a new piece of information that does not involve the entire unison musculoskeletal system, this will not be integrated because destabilize parts of the system that have not been notified. The system, considering the latest information is not integrated into the central system, so alien to reject the information itself. So after a few hours or days posture and tension will be returned to its origins. The elongation
global decompensation

Stretching global decompensation instead acts on the entire muscle chain, avoid fees and provides the ability to permanently change the old information that alter the postural system. The proper way to act is to help athletes
too "compressed" or at least the person who must recover flexibility, balance, bio-mechanical and morphological with a job that leads him to identify the automatisms that have altered and replace them with new movements conscious. During a slow, associated with a diaphragmatic breathing, starting postures scientifically targeted to avoid the fees, the subject should be made aware of how to make a motion to correct creargliene the right mental picture. When a person has a distorted proprioception and makes movement or exercise in a standardized way, will only aggravate it and never improve it, ie would strengthen his knee which is located off-axis, only reinforce the problem. The technique, therefore, must put in chains muscle tension, fascial and connective tissue as a whole. The execution must promote the game of exo and endorecettori and thus allow the system to reprogram the patterns. The exercises should not be mechanical but should aim towards the establishment of cortical correct attitudes, internalized by the attention, to reduce or eliminate the fees that the body puts in place, at work, to escape the discomfort of traction. Good posture and decompensated should be associated with diaphragmatic breathing and must be maintained at least 90 ".
While maintaining this posture, the tissue retracted, the tension will be asked to leave and return as before. The posture will be more available and improving.
During the work of stretching should be adapted to the intensity of traction of the muscle chains to the level of myo-fascial and articular deformation of the subject, thus avoiding that the system enters into crisis. Through un'allungamento overall muscular, with the use of postures and a working motor Mézières active, involved in the cause-effect-distance, which resulted in resistance to elongation, limitations, and functional changes, to bring the subject to correct and balanced posture and greater range of motion. Our bone structure should not be subject to muscle retraction, but on the contrary, should make to its capacity muscle-ligamentous structures that play. Health is the result of the perfect form (F. Mézières), there is no 'correct operation without a perfect shape. Conclusions

not uncommon to see high-level athletes that at some point in the sporting careers are no longer able to achieve the desired performance due to stiffness, blocks or functional limitations. Numerous scientific studies help us understand that the search results at any cost with training too intense and ipermuscolarizzanti, el 'exclusive commitment of certain districts or muscle chains, because of the repetitiveness of the action sports, end up iperprogrammare some muscle chains, to the detriment of others, as these were weakened. The commitment unbalanced muscles and joints leads dysmetria, twists, compensation and postural alterations. Every sport ends and then to "sculpt" your athlete. From this knowledge came the need to support every workout with a specific work of lengthening global decompensation, to prevent postural imbalances that would arise.

B. Bibliography Bricot, "The global postural re-programming" - L. Statipro Busquet, "The chains of muscles, Vol I, II, III, IV"-Publisher Marrapese Ph. E. Souchard, "The Diaphragm"-Publisher Marrapese Ph. E. Souchard, "The global active stretching"-Publisher Marrapese Godelieve Denys-Struyf, "The Book of mézièrista, Vol I, Vol II" - Publisher


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